Winter can be a hazardous time when it comes to health. Cold weather is harder on older bodies, and staying fit can truly be a matter of life and death. Fortunately, there are a wealth of indoor fitness classes for seniors to choose from. If you or a loved one live in a senior living community, ask if they offer indoor senior fitness classes.
There are indoor fitness classes available that suit every personality type, range of ability, and interest. What is most important is finding a path to fitness that is enjoyable, because enjoyment is what leads to sticking with the program. Fitness is crucial, and the winter months can actually be a perfect opportunity to branch out and explore new ways of moving.
Summer’s Landing has a wealth of options when it comes to indoor fitness. Our facilities are well equipped and our professional staff is experienced in adapting indoor fitness classes to aging bodies. Contact us today at 850.265.9829 to learn more.
3 Ways Exercise Classes Can Keep You Moving
When it comes to indoor fitness for seniors, one of the best options is to join an exercise class. Attending winter exercise classes every week can help the cold months pass quickly and ensure that you’re ready to meet the spring sunshine with strength and stamina.
Here are but a few of the types of winter exercise classes that are supportive for seniors:
1. Tai Chi
In a tai chi class, you wear loose comfortable clothing, and perform gently paced movements and stretches that are coordinated with breath. This slow-flow movement class is akin to yoga but totally distinct. It is unmatched when it comes to improving coordination, balance, and mindfulness.
2. Yoga
Yoga is another great option for staying fit through the winter at any ability level. Yoga combines stretching, full-body strength training, balance work, and guided breathing to induce a greater sense of well-being in addition to improved flexibility and strength. Yoga can easily be adapted to any ability level and can even offer incredible health benefits to chair- or bed-bound individuals.
3. Dance
It doesn’t matter if you have never danced before in your life. And being a “good” or “bad” dancer is an unfortunate myth. Dancing your way to cardiac health can be utterly exhilarating. Dance classes offer a fantastic cardio workout while simultaneously improving strength coordination and memory.
The best part? These are just the tip of the iceberg. When it comes to indoor fitness for seniors, Google is your oyster.
Indoor Fitness for Seniors
Staying fit in the winter is possible, and what’s more, it doesn’t have to be a drag. Indoor fitness options for seniors abound, and there are myriad options to provide every kind of body and personality with good fun in addition to improved fitness.
Winter exercise classes come in all shapes, sizes, budgets, and styles. From posh fitness clubs to the local YMCA to a virtual class in your own living room. Don’t let winter wreck your health by providing an excuse to be inactive.
Exercising through the winter can also be a crucial mood booster. It’s most important to stay active when you don’t really feel like it. If you try an indoor fitness class for seniors and find it lackluster, try a different instructor, location, or a different type of winter exercise class altogether.
Reach Out to Summer’s Landing for Indoor Fitness
Summer’s Landing can be your home for fitness this winter. We have ample space, well-equipped facilities, and a ready-made community of fitness-minded folks. Join the active community at Summer’s Landing. Contact us today at 850.265.9829 to learn more.